Tuesday 11 June 2013

News from the Trustee - June 2013

Week of June 2, 2013
Trustee Shelley Laskin, Ward 11

Note: Trustee Howard Goodman has shown tremendous leadership on this issue and has offered his offered his colleagues access to his information to share. The following is from Trustee Goodman:

What is the issue? Using Reg274, the Minister of Education is forcing principals to hire one of the 5 most senior teachers who apply for a job and have the paper qualifications.  It doesn’t matter if there are other less senior teachers who would be a better fit for the class, the school or the community. Seniority trumps the judgment of the principal. Seniority trumps the desires of the community.  Most upsettingly, seniority trumps the needs of the students. This regulation is bad for students, for schools and for the teaching profession.  For a more detailed background, go to www.tdsb.on.ca/Goodman).

First, I want to thank all of you who have taken the time to write and call your elected representatives to let them know that you do not support the implementation of Reg274.  I've been told that the Minister and MPPs have received hundreds of emails from parents, teachers, principals, and community members who are opposed to Reg274.  MPPs who hadn't given a thought to Reg274 are now aware of it, and of your demands not to impose seniority hiring on our schools.  And yesterday [May 30, 2013] PC education critic Lisa McLeod raised Reg274 during Question Period.  She even quoted from three emails that she received from you (Sam from Ottawa Catholic, and Chris & Karrie from Upper Grand).  Click here to download the exchange.

Two parts of Minister Sandals answers stand out for me:
* "We want to make sure that [jobs are] posted so that [teachers] even know when there is a job available" - but in fact TDSB and many other Boards already have long had contract clauses requiring job posting
* "a working group that’s been set up between the OSSTF and the public school boards [is] looking at whether there are changes they want to make to the regulation" - but under the terms set by the Minister, any change has to be mutually agreed to and no-one believes that the union leaders will agree to undo the seniority hiring rules that Reg274 now unilaterally grants them.  This working group is expected to complete its work in a couple of weeks with no changes agreed to.

The first part of the answer gives me hope.  The second part of the answer points out what we still need to achieve.

Because of your efforts, all MPPs are now aware of the Reg274 and the growing opposition to it from ordinary voters.  Because of you speaking out, we now have a clear statement that the purpose of Reg274 is fair hiring, not creating seniority hiring rights.

Now we have to hold Minister Sandals to her word that the goal of Reg274 would be reached with proper job posting processes.  This would mean that seniority hiring wouldn't be needed in TDSB and other Boards that already meet Reg274's goals.  That is all the current motion before TDSB asks for.  That is all you have been asking for.  As Minister she has complete authority to rescind Reg274 or amend it in any way she wants.

Our Goal and Our Next steps
Our goal: In the next week or so, we must convince the Minister, the Premier, and the other MPPs that the wishes of the citizens of Ontario (including a great many teachers) carry more weight than the wishes of union leaders. We must say loud and clear to the Minister, the Premier, and the other MPPs that our Public Schools are there to meet the goals of the Public, and that the Public neither needs nor wants seniority hiring.

Our next steps: Here are things that you can do to get your message to our MPPs and our government:

* Tell everyone you know that this real danger to our schools exists, and that we only have a limited time before school and the legislature close for the summer and parents are not able to mobilize effectively against these seniority hiring rules.  Share this list of ways to spread the message and share the information that is on my web-site in any way that works for you - www.tdsb.on.ca/Goodman
* Raise Reg274 seniority hiring in your school yard and at your School Council.  This not only directly affects children and their parents, but also teachers.  If you are shy, enlist a friend who is comfortable in the spotlight to raise the issue and mobilize the school community.
* While watching your child play sports, talk to other parents in the stands, in the arena, or along the sidelines.
* Use your favourite social media site (Facebook or twitter or Pinterest or anything else) to post your thoughts and useful links
* Sign the change.org petition started by Toronto teacher Angie Potts (1450 signatures and counting)
* Send emails to the Minister and email, call, or visit your local MPP (please copy me and your local newspaper on all emails - I've included the addresses for the three main Toronto papers).  If they don’t hear from you, they won’t know that you are upset.
o LSandals.mpp@Liberal.ola.org - Liz Sandals, Minister of Education, 416-325-2600
o MColle.mpp.co@Liberal.ola.org - Mike Colle, MPP, Eglinton-Lawrence, 416-781-2395
o KWynne.mpp.co@Liberal.ola.org - Kathleen Wynne, MPP, Don Valley West,  416-425-6777
o EHoskins.mpp.co@Liberal.ola.org - Eric Hoskins - MPP, St. Paul's, 416-656-0943
o Lisa.Macleod@PC.ola.org - Lisa MacLeod, PC Education Critic, 416-325-6351
o TabunsP-qp@NDP.on.ca - Peter Tabuns, NDP Education Critic, 416-325-3250
o lettertoed@thestar.ca
o letters@globeandmail.com
o letters@nationalpost.com
o for other MPP addresses go to: www.ontla.on.ca/web/members/members_current.do and please copy me, Howard.Goodman@tdsb.on.ca [shelley.laskin@tdsb.on.ca]
For ongoing news on the battle to save our schools from imposed seniority hiring, follow me on twitter @HowardGoodman.  I’ll be using #Reg274.