Sunday, 15 January 2017

January 13, 2017: Panther Press


 Inquiry Fair January 18th
 PD Day - no school for students January 20th
 Parent Council January 23rd
 School Wide Science Challenge February 10th
 Hugh-a-school Day February 14th
 PD Day - no school for students February 17th
 Family Day - no school February 20th
 Kindergarten Registration February 21th - 24th - please call to make an   appointment
Parents are welcome to join us in the library at 12:25pm on January 18th for our Inquiry Fair. Here, students from Mme. Clouthier and Mme. Berky's classes will be sharing work that they did this past term on a variety of fascinating topics. Come on out and share in their learning!
Please remember that our school day ends at 3:10pm each day. It is important for student learning that students finish their academic day with their classmates and their teacher. Students who leave early on a consistent basis are losing valuable instructional time with their teacher. They are also often missing opportunities to learn about what is for homework and they are disrupting the classroom flow for the other children.
Moving forward, if you need to pick up your child early we ask that you put a note in your child's planner that day and remind your child to watch for when they are to come down to meet you so we do not have to interrupt the learning of the whole class. If the early pick up is unexpected, we ask that you call into the office before you arrive and we will do what we can to have the child waiting for you in the office.
After 2:40pm each day, we will not be able to call into the classrooms for early pick-ups. The phone calls are much too disruptive to the children and the teacher involved and they impede the learning of all.
Again, we ask that early pick-ups not be a regular occurrence as children need to be in school for their full instructional day on a regular basis.
1. Update on Parent Council
Jenny Lewis has stepped down as co-chair of the Parent Council. We would like to thank Jenny for her contributions to the Parent Council, and we wish her the best.
2. Parent Council Volunteer Opportunities
Become Involved!
We are looking for passionate parents to help with the following committees!
2.1. Garden Fete
This year is the 100th anniversary of the Garden Fete! Lets make it a great one!
The Garden Fete is scheduled for Saturday May 27th.  
2.2. Volunteer Coordinator
2.3. Kindergarten Representative
2.4. Staff/ Parent Appreciation Co-Chair
3. Next Parent Council Meeting
Monday January 23rd at 7pm in the Library
4. Parent Appreciation Drinks
Following the Parent Council meeting, we will be convening at the Union Social for some cocktails. Appetizers will be provided! Come out to spend some time with your neighbours, meet some new friends and have a chance to win a $25 gift card to Union Social.
Union Social Eatery
21 St Clair Ave W
Approximately 8.30 pm

5. Sign me Up Programs
New programs are available at Brown for the Winter Session! Sign up now to avoid disappointment. We are happy to announce the updates made to the PROGRAMS page on the Brown School Website:
click here for more information and details how to register.
Grade 6 - Tuesday Jan 17th @ 7:15am, if you make the first cut the final tryout is on Thursday Jan 19th @ 7:15am.

Grade 4/5 - Wednesday Jan 18th @ 7:15am, if you make the first cut the final tryout is on Thursday Jan 19th @ 7:15am. 

Grade 4/5 - Tryout # 1 on Tuesday Jan 17th @ 3:15 to 4:15. If your child is invited to the final tryout it's on Tuesday Jan 24th @ 3:15 to 4:15. If your child makes it on to the final team roster the team will practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school.
Grade 6 - Tryout # 1 on Thursday Jan 19th @ 3:15 to 4:15. If your child is invited to the final tryout it's on Tuesday Jan 24th @ 3:15 to 4:15. If your child makes it on to the final team roster the team will practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school.
Ms. Silecky and Mr. Macdonald
Students in Grade 4, 5 and 6 wishing to try out for the Junior Swim Team will have their tryout take place during their swim class starting the week of January 16th.


Monday April 10th - South Finals @ Harbord C.I.
Thursday April 13th - City Finals @ Rosedale Hts

Please note, the Easter long weekend starts on Friday April 14th.

Other swim meet dates will be announced soon.
Please see the two attachments regarding free workshops available to parents in February and March.