Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Sports Corner - February 2014

You may have heard over the morning announcements a quick note about the Winter Olympics coming to Brown. Starting next week the students will be spending the month of February participating in a Winter Olympics Unit. The students will learn how to Ski, Skate, Bobsled and Curl in the Gym and also learn what the true meaning of the Olympics are all about.

We're going to bring the Winter Olympics indoors here at Brown and the students will be competing for their respective countries. All students (Grade 1-6) have been assigned a group/country (Canada, USA, Great Britain and Mexico). Students from all classes who are on team Canada are all working together to collect as many medals as possible.

Whether it's a Gold medal in Grade 1 speed skating or a Bronze medal in Grade 6 Curling, all medals earned, go toward the team's grand total. All students will be able to see their team's medal total get larger and larger each day as the standings are updated on the bulletin board in the hallway near the Gym stairs. We'll also announce the medal race total in the morning during the announcements.

One more note, every student will win a medal at every event. GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE and COPPER are the medals that are being awarded. Each student will also read out loud the "Brown PS Olympic Oath" before every event.

"I promise to try my best, follow the rules and play fairly. The Olympics are about competition and sportsmanship but most importantly they are about having fun"

The Ice Hockey team concluded their season in late January with an exciting game against Howard PS. Although the season is over we leave with great memories from the UCC tournament and some exciting regular season games. I want to personally thank the parents for your incredible support throughout the year. I also wanted to thank Mr. D for coming out to the tournament and to our regular season games. Your help was very much appreciated.

Mr. Profiti


Noon Swim
Our Recreational Swim program is available to all our students in Grades 1-6.
Day - Monday
Time - 12:00 to 12:40 pm.
Come out and enjoy the fun!
Mrs. J. & Mr. D.
Brown Aquatic Staff

Junior Swim Team 
Congratulations Swim Team of 2014!

 On Tuesday February 4th, we began the first week of 'Team practices!  As Coaches, we encourage our members to strive to achieve his/her personal best. Each practice begins with a ten minute endurance/length swim. As Coaches, we work on techniques to improve strokes, skills, perfecting starts and finishes. Fast stroke sprints will help to increase 'stroke speed.

Swim practices will help members improve health, endurance and their overall fitness.

Team Practices
 DAYS - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
TIMES - 12:00 pm sharp!

*Members must attend two practices weekly.

Please Note:
If a member is unable to attend a Swim practice or Swim Meet it is your responsibility to inform your Coaches. This will give us, your Coaches the opportunity to make any necessary changes.

We are looking forward to a fun and successful season!

Thank you,
Junior Swim Coaches