Brown Parent Council is excited to announce the launch of the new school website, which went live on March 3, 2014. Many structural and functional changes were made to allow for easy use on any device. The Communications Committee is grateful to the Office, Parent Council and other community members for their input. Most of all, we would like to thank Monique Taylor, a parent and Principal of who donated many months of her time to design this website. We hope you like it!
We are delighted that the new Brown School website is up and running! Kudos to Monique Taylor for her above-and-beyond commitment in completing this massive project and to Maggie Lane for all her support and leadership.
Special thanks to all the parents who volunteer for Kiss n Ride, and to MaryAnn Stewart for her ongoing leadership of this key initiative at Brown. To come out early in the morning and stand outside in the coldest winter since most of us became parents, is a heroic effort. This important program is unique at Brown and we heartily thank the Kiss n Ride volunteers.
The next Parent Council Meeting will take place after we return from March Break, on Wednesday, March 19 at 9 am in the staff room. All parents and guardians of Brown School students are welcome to attend.
Our next Parent Council events are: Garden Fete (May) and Grad (June). Stay tuned! Have a fabulous March Break.
Nina Moritsugu and Jenifer Glover, Co-Chairs