Growing With Communication
The Learning Disabilities Association is pleased to present this Workshop for Parents and Professionals
Jeanette Podolsky is the Clinical Director at The Speech Therapy Centres of Canada Ltd. This is an interactive workshop about speech therapy and child communication. Topics will include: typical milestones for speech and language, red flags for speech and language issues, promoting language development in everyday situations, what can be done at home to help your child improve their speech and communication, among others.
Date: April 9th, 2014
Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Location: 121 Willowdale Ave., Suite 203 (East of Sheppard Ave. and Yonge St.
Fee:* $10 for members / $15 for non-members / $20 at the door
*To qualify for the pre-registration rate payment must be made in advance. Limited seating available at the door
Please call (416) 229-1680, email or go online at for more information or to register
Special Speaking Engagements by Allyson Schafer
“Honey, I Wrecked the Kids”, Forest Hill Jr/Sr PS, May 7 from 7:00-9:00 p.m.
“Raising the Responsible Child”, Cedarvale CS, June 11 from 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Both Forest Hill Jr/Sr and Cedarvale welcome you to attend.
Alyson Schafer is a psychotherapist and one of Canada’s leading parenting experts. She is the in-house expert for The Marilyn Denis Show, CTV News Channel Express and CBC radio’s The World This Weekend; columnist for Today’s Parent Magazine and sits on the Health Advisory Board for Chatelaine Magazine. She is the bestselling author of “Breaking The Good Mom Myth” and “Honey, I Wrecked The Kids” and her latest, “Ain’t Misbehavin”. The schools invite you to join them.