An incredible season of football has come to an end and the Boys from Brown are
Conference Champions and City Finalists. After winning against a very good team
from Lambton Kingsway in the City Semi-Final, the Boys endured some tough
weather conditions and played against Blythwood in the City Finals. It was a
back and forth game but unfortunately Blythwood came up on top. The Boys have a
lot to be proud of and the coaches are certainly are proud of each and every one
of them. Looking forward to the Grade 5's making up the core of our team next
year. To the Grade 6's ...don't miss Football tryouts next year in Grade 7,
make us proud!
Please return the team t-shirt, after it visits the laundry centre, back to me
or Mr. D as soon as possible.
Mr. P and Mr. D
The Girls Basketball Team will practice every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday @
7:15 a.m in the Gym. The team will participate in a one day tournament, to try
and qualify for playoffs, on Friday November 21 @ Brown.
Mr. P and Mr. D
The Boys Volleyball Team practices on Wednesdays after school and Fridays @
7:20 a.m. in the Gym. The team will participate in a one day tournament on
Monday, November 17 @ Bloor C.I.
Mme Sulymko and Mr. Macdonald
The Boys Volleyball Team practices on Wednesdays after school and Fridays @
7:20 a.m. in the Gym. The team will participate in a one day tournament on
Thursday, November 20 @ Forest Hill JR PS
Mme Sulymko and Mr. Macdonald
All students who have signed up for the Hockey team tryouts should attend the 2
tryouts scheduled on Wed Nov 19th @ 26th @ Forest Hill Arena from 7:30 to
8:30 a.m. It's extremely important to be ready to step out onto the ice right @
7:30 a.m. At the conclusion of the two tryouts, the team will be selected and
practices will take place on Wed Dec 3, 10 & 17 @ 7:30 a.m. at Forest Hill
Please note, the regular season begins during the first week back to school in
January and the team will play once a week for approximately 5 weeks. Also, the
team will be attending the UCC under 12 Hockey tournament on Friday, January 9 & Saturday, January 10. If your child makes the school Hockey team please
keep January 9 and 10 open for this wonderful opportunity for our
school team.
Mr. Profiti