Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Parent Council News - April 2015


The next Parent Council Meeting will take place on Thursday, April 23 at 7:00 p.m. in the Library. All parents, guardians and community members are welcome to attend and we would love to meet some more of you.

One of the items on the Agenda will be volunteer positions for the rest of this year and for the 2015/2016 school year.  We will explain the positions we need to fill and the level of time and commitment involved with each role.  There are a wide range of positions, from those that require no more than one or two emails here and there in 2015, through to those that require significant time and commitment this year and next.  Whatever your interests, abilities, and time capacity, Parent Council always appreciates any assistance you can offer.  There is always a need for new energy and ideas.

With only three more meetings until the end of the school year, now is your time to get involved and find out what Council is up to, so please come on out and hear what we are up to and what we are planning.

Toni Wharton


On February 10, a report to implement a School Speed Zone on Avenue Road, fronting the Brown School was adopted by City Council. This means that there will be a 40 KPH speed limit between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.  - with signage and flashing beacons - in front of Brown School between Lynwood and Balmoral Avenues.

We don't have an estimate as to the time-frame for this installation at this time. Please find the link to the adopted report below.  

City of Toronto Agenda Item

2015.TE3.61 - School Speed Zone - Avenue Road, in the Vicinity of Brown Junior Public School

Additionally, the city recently replaced and repaired the damaged sidewalk barriers in front of the school. We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents of the danger in stopping on Avenue Road at any time for the purpose of dropping off or picking up their children.


On May 23, The Games are coming to Brown!

This year, Garden Fête is celebrating the PanAm Games in Toronto. The Committee responsible for the event has been working hard to organize what promises to be the most exciting event of the school year. Have your children dressed up in their favourite summer sport jersey and join the fun.

Garden Fête 2015 will happen on May 23rd from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

New games and activities and special attractions will fill your day up with fun and excitement.
The sign-up form to purchase the advanced All Day Passes will be sent home during the week of April 27, together with the loot bag. Yes! Loot bags are still a must in our event! Please start collecting all those gently used or new toys. After all, it is spring time, time to purge!

Garden Fête is only possible because hundreds of parents, as well as our great school staff and teachers, volunteer their time to make sure our community can enjoy this special day. During the month of April, your class parent you will send out the link to your volunteer sign-up sheet. You will also be able to access the link through the Garden Fête page in the new Brown website. Please sign up for a volunteer shift and/or donate to the event.

The Committee is also looking for family or businesses interested on sponsoring certain areas of the event. All donations received are entitled to tax receipts issue by the TDSB. If you would like to receive more information, please contact the GF2015 Committee through

We are expecting an even bigger turnout for this year's event. Our Brown family is growing and so is the fun at Garden Fête.  Don't miss all joy. The classroom that sells the most advanced passes will win a Pizza lunch so order your ticket soon!