Garden Fete was another wonderful and successful event this year. Thank you to the Garden Fete planning committee for helping to make the day happen and as successful as it was. Thank you to the hundreds of Brown School families who volunteered their time this year. This was such a fun day and we are already looking forward to next year!
Thank you so much to all members of Parent Council, parent volunteers, teachers, the Office, and all the rest of the staff for your considerable time and effort and contributions made to make the 2014-15 year another great success at Brown. The Fall Fling, Garden Fete, World Changers, After 4, Kiss 'n Ride, and Eco Committee, among others could not take place without the combined efforts of all our dedicated volunteers. My first year as Parent Council chair has been fantastic and I am so proud to be part of a parent council, school and community that cares to make the education of our children as good, interesting and rewarding experience as possible!
We have some important positions that need to be filled for the upcoming school year, including that of co-chair to work alongside me. Please let either Martha McCall (our new 2015 Volunteer Co-ordinator) or me know if you are interested in becoming more involved in Council or are interested in taking on a new role. No amount of time that anyone can give to the school is too little. Any little help is greatly appreciated! Brown needs you! Our contact details are in the Parent Council section of the Brown School website.
In May, we met with the Principal to discuss how funds that Parent Council raised were spent during the 2014-15 School Year. We are pleased to announce that funds raised have contributed towards wonderful, activities, seminars & presentations, technology and equipment to help to enrich the education and lives of our children. We have created a THANK YOU Poster which has been posted around the school and on our website. It expresses our appreciation to all the parents and caregivers who have donated and showcases the excellent ways in which we have been able to contribute to our students experiences this year. View the POSTER
Guidelines require that School Councils meet with the principals before the final Parent Council meeting of the year to identify the school's needs for the following year and set a plan regarding how Parent Council funds can be best utilized the following year. The plan was approved by Parent Council at its June 15, 2015 meeting. The plan may be adjusted by the Office in consultation with next year’s Council Executive if circumstances change over the summer and priorities need to be adjusted.
Well, that's it from me for this school year. I hope you all have a wonderful summer vacation and I look forward to the new term in September!