Friday, 25 September 2015

Sept. 25, 2015: Class Reorganization

Dear Families,

Every September, we review the actual student enrolment and reorganize classes as required. We do our best to plan for the new school year, but there are always factors, such as new or departing students, that might affect how classrooms are organized.

As a result of changing student enrolment at our school, we will need to reorganize the classrooms, in our English Track, to best support our students. These changes are being made by all of the classroom teachers, who are working diligently together to place our students in successful groupings.
The changes will come into effect, as of Monday, September 28th, 2015.

Please look in your child's backpack Friday after school for a letter indicating possible changes in their class placement.

Kind Regards,

Jessica Feldberg          Christine Pouliot
Principal                      Vice Principal