Friday, 19 May 2017

April 21, 2017: Panther Press


 Parent Council  April 24th, 7pm
 Return Census to School April 26th - Thank you!
 Mardi Gras Assembly April 27th, AM
 Kindergarten Orientation (for new students)
May 1st, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
 TDSB Spring Festival Concert at Massey Hall May 4th
 Speaker Series for Parents - Reducing Anxiety in Children May 8th
 Junior Concert May 11th, 9am
 Dance Share (Grades 4-6) May 19th
 EQAO (for Grades 3 & 6) May 24th - June 1st (please refrain from
 booking appointments during this window)
 Garden Fete May 27th
 Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony June 15th, 1pm
 Kindergarten Celebration June 23rd
It is hard to believe how quickly this year has flown by. As we move into the final 2 months of the school year, teachers and school staff will begin to form the classes for the 2017-2018 school year. Staff put a lot of thought into your child's learning styles and the social dynamic when they build the classrooms.

We also welcome your input. If you would like to share information about your child's learning style with us, that you feel would benefit them as we do the class placements, please e-mail Jessica Feldberg ( before May 1 st , 2017. Please note we cannot accept specific teacher requests.
May 27th is the date for this milestone opportunity as our community comes together to honour another great year at Brown School.

Stay tuned for more information on how students, parents and the whole community can get involved through:

- The Panther Press
- class parents
- hand-outs in student backpacks
- Brown School website (

Stay tuned: next week, we'll unveil the logo for the 100th GARDEN FÊTE! 
This week the Eco club will be collecting any gently used or even well used clothing and textiles, in any condition. Help keep materials out of landfill sites and give them a second life, either for someone else to use or to be re-purposed as stuffing for furniture etc.

Diabetes will collect and sort all materials, will sell what is in good condition and will shred what isn't, to be used in other ways.

Old paint shirt? We'll take it!
Ripped towels? We need them
Ugly drapes? Yes, please!
Old sheets? Great!
Frayed jeans? Thank you!

Please bring donations to the large drop-box marked Diabetes which is located outside the office early next week!
Please keep the following in mind during morning drop-off:
This is a gentle reminder that Kiss & Ride is a drop off zone, on Poplar Plains Road, for students grades 1-6 only. Kindergarten children must be walked to their classrooms.
This program is staffed completely by Brown parent volunteers, from 8:25-8:40am. 
A few reminders for all parents:
  • There is no parking in the designated Kiss & Ride drop off area, or in the school bus zone between 8:25am and 8:40am for ANY reason.  
  • When using Kiss & Ride, drivers must stay in the vehicle; volunteers will open the doors for your child(ren) on the passenger side of the car.
  • If you must enter the schoolyard or your child is not able to walk in alone you need to park on one of the side streets where parking is permitted. 
  • Parking in the Kiss'n'Ride zone is NOT permitted.
  • For safety reasons, the Avenue Road Driveway is only to be used by TDSB Facilities staff, and Brown Administration.
  • Please note that the parking lot off Poplar Plains is for Brown School Staff only.
  • Our program relies on volunteers. Please be courteous with our Kiss & Ride volunteers!              
Morning Parking is available in the neighbourhood in these areas:
  • 10 minutes parking on Lynwood between Avenue Rd. and Poplar Plains
  • on Warren Road
  • VERY LIMITED parking on Poplar Plains near Lynwood
  • on Balmoral Ave East and West of Poplar Plains, and East of Avenue Road
  • On Clarendon Avenue.
Make sure you are following @BrownPSPanthers on Twitter!
Updates are happening daily! 

We encourage everyone to wear their Brown Wear 
or Black and Red every Friday!
Go Panthers!


Please note that our Communications Archive can be found at -