Monday, 19 October 2015

Oct. 16, 2015: Panther Press


October 19th to 30th   Food Drive
October 20th Roofing Meeting 5:30 in the Gym
October 30th Pizza Lunch
November 5th Fall Fling 6:30 pm - Save the Date
November 13th PA Day No school
November 17th - AM School Photo - RETAKES
November 27th Pizza Lunch
December 18th Last Day before Holidays


Please remember our roofing meeting will be on October 20th, at 5:30, in the Gym. As well, please see the attached letter from Public Health.


All Junior Grades at Brown participated in the Federal Election Student Vote on October 14th and 15th by casting ballots for their chosen candidate in St Paul's Riding.  The children created identity cards to bring with them to the Polling Station.  Students acted as Poll Clerks to process voters and distribute ballots as they entered the classroom. Voters went behind Voting Booths to mark their ballot and once they had voted, they took their ballots to where Poll Clerks sat with the ballot boxes.  On Friday, October 16th students will tally the number of votes and email the results which will be published after Election Day on October 19th.


On Friday October 16th, The Primary Swim Team will be posted. Having more than 75 students trying out for only 40 spaces we understand there will be a number of disappointed students.

This year coaches have decided to create a "Training Team", designed for students who did not make the final cut. During each swim team practice, one lane of the pool will be reserved for these students to develop & strengthen their swimming strokes.
It is our hope this opportunity will help ease the disappointment, while helping to build their future in this sport.


The Fall Fling is just around the corner - but we still need more donations to make this November 5th fundraiser for the Brown School a success.

How can you help? DONATE before Oct. 30! Top items for the Fling's unforgettable silent auction include: tickets to sporting events, the ballet, or the theatre, or gift certificates to a fabulous restaurant, a spa, or even an indoor rock climbing session!

Have questions? Contact the Fling's Donations Chair Melissa Bellamy at:

Tickets are now on sale on the Brown School website - Early bird draw closes October 23rd! More information:


Brown School's World Changers are gearing up for our We Scare Hunger campaign. We will be supporting the Daily Bread Food Bank by collecting non-perishable foods from October 19 - 30. Starting next Monday, Junior World Changers will be distributing a paper bag to all students to "fill" with non-perishables and bring back to school and deposit in the bins in front of the office.

Who are the World Changers? World Changers are a dedicated group of students who are interested in outreach - both locally and globally. Anyone can join. We follow a number of Free The Children's campaigns (We Scare Hunger being one of them) as well as other initiatives that spark the students' interest.

Last year we were able to collect over 2500 pounds of food - we would love to surpass that for 2015! More and more people are relying on food banks and your donations make a huge difference.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact World Changers' parent co-chairs, Allison Fortier <> and Laura Finch <>.


We are happy to announce that the Toonies for Terry raised nearly $500 this year! Way to go Panthers!


We are proud to announce that Brown is working towards our first Healthy Schools Certification!  Our focus this year is mental health.  We look forward to helping our students build the skills they need to live long, healthy and happy lives. Please email or to join our team!


Healthy Schools Certification Begins!
The Eco Committee is proud to announce that Brown is working towards our first Healthy Schools Certification!  Our focus this year is on mental health.  We look forward to helping our students build the skills they need to live long, happy lives. Please email or to join our Healthy Schools team!

Trashy Tuesday Success!
It was such a success that we ran out of blue gloves! Thank-you to all of the kindergarten and primary students who wore their blue gloves and picked up the trash around the primary yard and along the back fence. We had a lot of fun and found out how addictive it can be to pick up trash! Next Trashy Tuesday will be November 10th. Looking forward to more parents and students getting involved! Please email the Eco-committee chairs if you would like to commit to helping with your child!

Litterless Lunch Tips
Aviva Wittenberg, is mother two Brown Students in Gr. 2 and Gr. 5 and is the blogger behind She will be writing Litterless Lunch Tips to help parents create a healthy and kid friendly Litterless Lunch. See her tips on finding the right tools here.

Next Eco Committee Meeting Tuesday October 20th at 8pm. Email the co-chairs (above) if you'd like to attend! Everyone is welcome.

We have been cheering on the Blue Jays, here at Brown P.S.! When the Panthers stand behind the Jays...ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! GO JAYS GO!