October 19th to 30th Food Drive
October 30th Pizza Lunch
November 2nd - December 3rd French Immersion Applications DUE
November 5th Fall Fling 6:30 pm - Save the Date
November 9th French Immersion Information Session 6:00 pm in the Library
November 13th PA Day No school
November 17th - AM School Photo - RETAKES
November 27th Pizza Lunch
December 18th Last Day before Holidays
Our goal on the playground, first and foremost, is to keep our students safe when they are outside at lunch and at recess. As you might imagine, while our lunch time supervisors are the 'eyes and ears' on the yard, the nature of their short yet vital role each day makes it difficult for them to be a voice of authority. For this reason, we consistently remind our students that we want them to have fun when it is their break time, but we also need them to be safe, and to listen and be respectful of our lunch time staff. We would be most grateful if parents could have this conversation at home as well. Thank you.
Next Friday, we will be parading in costume! Our parade will begin at 9 am and we will all finish off in the gym.
Please remind your children that while we love creativity and celebrating - masks, weapons and accessories are not allowed for our festivities at school. When we speak to the children, we are also reminding them to be mindful of our younger bodies in the building.
Arriving at school prepared and on time is crucial for student success. We want students to enter with their peers and begin their morning routines as a class. This is especially important in Kindergarten, as our youngest children are learning these life skills. Please remember that Kindergarten starts at 8:30am - every day.
EARLY BIRD DRAW: Don't forget to buy your FLING tickets by Friday, October 23rd to be eligible for the Early Bird Draw - dinner at Scaramouche worth $175. Tickets can be purchased via the Brown School website:
Unicorn Daycare will open a limited number of spots at its Dupont location (Church of the Messiah, 240 Avenue Road, Second Floor) for the evening of the Fall Fling (6:30 pm-9:30 pm) at a flat rate of $20.
Contact Dimitra Kappos at: dkappos@sympatico.ca with your names as well as your children's full names and ages. Please note: you'll need to e-transfer the $20 fee in advance, as we won't have any parent volunteers on-site. A huge thank you to Unicorn for this amazing service!
If you are doing any 'Spring cleaning' and you come across puzzles, or toys appropriate for imaginative play that you no longer need or want in your home - please consider us for a donation! We have Kindergarten classrooms that would love your gently used items!
Thank you
I hope you are all off to a great start this year. It's always a challenge to get to know the lay of the land when you are new but one great way to get to know a few more parents is to attend our annual fundraiser called the Fall Fling. It is Thursday November 5th, 6:30 pm at the Badminton and Racquet Club (near corner of St. Clair and Yonge). I went in pretty cold last year and came out pretty warm! I met a lot of great people I now call great friends so please consider attending. Feel free to send me an email and we can arrange to "hang out" with the other kindergarten parents and teachers. Hope to see you there! Jamie Ryan, Kindergarten Rep. (jamie@executivegolf.ca)
We have been cheering on the Blue Jays, here at Brown P.S.! When the Panthers stand behind the Jays...ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! GO JAYS GO!