Wednesday 9 May 2012

News from the Office - May 2012

Important Safety Reminders

Yard Supervision
Yard Supervision for Grades JK to 6 begins at 8:35 AM and ends at 3:45 PM. Afternoon Kindergarten supervision begins at 12:45 PM. Parents are responsible for their children’s safety and conduct in the yard before and after these times.

Visitor Sign-In Book
Visitors are requested to sign in at the main office and wear a ‘visitor sticker’. This is a safety measure to ensure that visiting adults are recognized and encouraged to feel welcome in our school. Thank You!

Kiss N' Ride
Do not use the Avenue Road driveway as this is the school bus pick up and drop off area for our students. Please pick up and drop of your children at the Kiss N’ Ride designated area on Poplar Plains.

Community Issue
Our neighbours have recently been concerned about cars blocking their driveways during drop off and pickup times. Please ensure that you are not parking in front of anyone's driveway, as they need to be able to get in and out of their own driveway safely and promptly.

There is one-hour parking on Balmoral in the event that you have to come into the school. We do everything we can to cooperate with our neighbours and would appreciate that this be taken into consideration.

Safe Arrival Program
The Safe Arrival program is used by parents/guardians and schools to account for any student’s unexplained failure to arrive at school. Please call the school safe arrival number 416-393-1557 before 8:55 AM or 12:30 PM (for an afternoon absence) if your child will not be attending school or plans to be late. This line is available 24 hours a day with voice mail. If your child is absent and we have not heard from you, we will make every effort to contact you using the information provided on the Emergency Form. The name and telephone number of an emergency contact is absolutely essential.

Principal’s Message from the Office of G. Christakis & S. Litner

EQAO Assessments for Grades 3 & 6: May 23 to June 6 2012

The Ministry of Education will be conducting a province-wide assessment of all students in Grade 3 and Grade 6.  Students are assessed in the areas of math, reading and writing. The assessments will take place during the period from May 23 to June 6. Please make every effort not to book appointments for your children in these grades during the testing days. Thank you and more information will come home to the parents of students in these grades as we move closer to the testing dates.

Staffing Model for 2012-2013

The Staffing Model for the 2012-2013 school year will be published in the June Bulletin. Your child(ren)'s classroom placement for September 2012 will be noted on their final report card in June.