Monday 12 November 2012

Parent Council News - Nov 2012

Next Parent Council Meeting: Wednesday, Nov. 14 @ 9 a.m. in the Meeting Room.


In the 2012-13 school year so far, the Brown School community is more close-knit and supportive than ever.

Last Thursday, November 8th, we had a fantastic turnout at the Fall Fling.  We were delighted to see a huge contingent of teachers and staff, and dozens of new parents coming out to support Brown school, enjoying fabulous shopping at the silent auction, sampling delicious food and enjoying some drinks, and connecting with friends, old and new, among the Brown School community.

Special thanks go to Martha McCall and the Fall Fling Committee.  Some of you have been part of the Fling team for years, others have newly joined in, and the resulting synergy produced stellar results.  We can’t thank you enough for providing us with such a lovely evening and helping to raise funds for our beloved school.  Also thanks to Michele Coleman and all of the parents and teachers who helped the children to produce the gorgeous artwork.  We can’t wait to see the calendars that will showcase the artwork which will be coming out for sale next month! 

None of this would have been possible without the support of Principal Christakis and Vice-Principal Litner, who are constantly barraged with questions and approvals requested by Parent Council volunteers.  Parent Council and the Office make a great team and the results showed on November 8th.

Funds raised last year at the Fling and other Brown School fundraisers will be used in this school year, for:
  • Scientists in the Schools
  • Artists in the Schools
  • Sports and Special Events (Sportball)
  • Library resources
  • Theatre and speaker presentations
  • Director’s Cut
  • Special Events including purchase of trophies for the Speech Arts Contest
  • Supplies needed by World Changers and Eco-Club (i.e., greening of Brown School)
Funds raised via the Giving Tree in 2011-2012 were spent on the following items: 
  • 2 prometheus boards for the kindergarten classrooms
  • projector for the gym for concerts
  • instruments for the music program
  • computers
  • computer cart
 ~ Nina Moritsugu and Jenifer Glover, Co-Chairs


The Fall Fling was a smashing success!  Almost 250 people attended the event. Thank you to all Brown School families for playing a part in making the event such a success.  There were those who went out to get donations, those who helped create donations, those who organized the event itself, those who worked the event, those who publicized it, those who came out to the event and those who purchased items at the event. We achieved and surpassed our fundraising goals. Your contributions allow Brown to continue to provide an excellent student experience.

If you were unable to attend the event, or were so busy bidding on auction items that you did not make it to the Giving Tree table, please consider giving a donation to the Giving Tree.  Donations will be accepted right up until Friday Dec 7, 2012.  The Giving Tree is a way to donate directly to the school or a teacher’s wish list for materials or curriculum enhancements that directly benefit the students.  All donations of $25 or more will be given tax receipts.  Giving Tree forms can be found on the Brown website

Also, if you are interested in helping out next year to make Fall Fling 2013 a smashing success, contact the Fall Fling Committee at

Thanks for supporting Brown School - our school needs and appreciates your support.

~The Fall Fling Committee

Eco Committee - Fall Fling
This year, the Fling was greener than ever. Some of the environmental  initiatives included: online ticket purchasing (to reduce ticket order forms); extensive use of email to remind people about the Fling; where paper was used, it was 100% recycled; the event was bullfrog-powered with 100% renewable electricity; many of the Silent Auction items were environmental, including a "gently used handbag" table.  In recognition of all these initiatives, a new green themed logo was adopted for the Fling.  All of these initiatives will help Brown School to maintain its Platinum Eco Status.