A huge thank you to all of you for
joining us for our Winter Performances. The children were fantastic and
loved performing for you as they stood tall and lit up the stage! Thank
you for all of your support and applause!
Thank you to all of our Bakers who baked, brought and set up treats for our Primary Concert. We couldn't do it all without you!
Hello to all grade four to six students. Winter recorder test information can now be found on the music class website.
If you look under the tab for RECORDER TESTS you will find many pieces.
Please choose ONE piece to practice for your test in January.
If you need any help with this assignment, please talk to Ms. Turner.
Happy practicing!!!
Please keep the following in mind during morning drop-off:
is a gentle reminder that Kiss & Ride is a drop off zone, on Poplar
Plains Road, for students grades 1-6 only. Kindergarten children must
be walked to their classrooms.
This program is staffed completely by Brown parent volunteers, from 8:25-8:40am.
A few reminders for all parents:
Morning Parking is available in the neighbourhood in these areas: