Monday 10 December 2012

News from around Brown - Dec 2012

  • Kiss 'n Ride needs volunteers
  • Battle of the Books
  • Noon swim
  • World Changers update

The Kiss 'n Ride program is a important part of Brown's morning routine and is completely staffed by parent volunteers. We are currently in need of more volunteers so if you have an extra 15 minutes one or two mornings a month and would like to help out, please contact Mary Ann Stewart at 


We are gearing up for Brown's second annual Battle of the Books, which is a competitive reading contest for our 4th, 5th and 6th graders! We will be running this program in February and March with our final battle at the end of March or in early April (depending on the number of teams we have enrolled).  Last year, this was a big success with the children.  This year we are looking for volunteers to read the books and make up quiz questions and to adjudicate the matches.  Please contact Marilyn Dressler at if you would like to volunteer in any capacity for this wonderful competition.

In advance of the contest starting, and with the holiday season upon us, here are the 2013 Silver Birch books nominees.  These books are also available in our school library!

1. Cat Found by Ingrid Lee
2. The Dead Kid Detective Agency by Evan Munday
3. Dragon Seer's Gift by Janet McNaughton
4. The Grave Robber's Apprentice by Allan Stratton
5. Making Bombs for Hitler by Martha Forchuk Skrypuch
6. The Mighty Miss Malone by Christopher Paul Curtis
7. Missing by Becky Citra
8. Neil Flambe and the Crusader's Curse by Kevin Sylvester
9. Sinking Deeper: or My Questionable (Possibly Heroic) Decision to Invent a Sea by Steve Vernon
10. A Tinfoil Sky by Cyndi Sand-Eveland

I hope to hear from many of you soon.
Marilyn Dressler
Battle of the Books Commander 

Days: Monday,Wednesday,Thursday and Friday
Times: 12:00-12:40pm
Grade Level: 1- 6
Requirements: Students must have the following labelled items - bathing suit, bathing cap, towel (goggles are optional)

Please note: Bathing caps are required for your child's/ children aquatic class.
Reminder: You may purchase a bathing cap for three dollars in our main office.

Thank you,
Mrs. Jeffery and Mr. Daigneau
Brown Aquatic Staff

November was a very productive month for the World Changers supporting the We Create Change campaign. First off we educated our members about some of the struggles encountered in developing countries where access to clean water is limited. Then Mme Sulymko and Mme Breslin organized a water walk for all World Changers to simulate the experience of having to walk some distance carrying a heavy load in a bucket (in our case schlepping math textbooks around the block - not easy!) In conjunction with Free The Children and RBC we encouraged classes to collect pennies. We also sold Rafiki bracelets as part of this initiative and the result of our efforts is that more than 175 people will have access to clean water in developing nations. Many thanks to everyone for your support.

The kids have continued to do a terrific job raising awareness amongst their fellow students by creating signs and posters, updating our bulletin board in front of the office, and presenting to the whole school in an assembly. Great job World Changers!

Looking ahead we are focused more locally once again working on our Holiday Hamper initiative. We have been blown away by the efforts many parents have made to ensure that the families we are supporting have a special holiday season. Thank you so much everyone. We will extend our deadline for collecting items to Wednesday, December 12.

As always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at <> or <>.

All the best for the holiday season!