Monday 11 February 2013

Parent Council News - Feb 2013

  • Review of recent activities
  • New sports club
The next Parent Council meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 20 at 7 pm in the Library.

Brrr!  While the weather outside is frightful, we are finding many of the activities brought to you by Parent Council at Brown are quite delightful.

After 4 is up and running for the Winter Term. Thanks again to Cathy Steiner and Kiren Singh for putting together another fabulous roster of programs for the students to choose from.

Lunchtime Chess is back on Mondays this term, and once again the turnout has been fantastic, necessitating the addition of a second room.  Thanks to Judy-Ann Bunn for all her efforts in making this program happen.

Brown Arts & Sports Club, spearheaded by the irreplaceable Yvonne Harding will start soon.  We are working on the permits, scheduling, and hiring of the coaches. See section below ("Brown Arts & Sports Club") for more details.

Grade 6 Graduation will take place on June 20th and the Grad Committee, led by the indefatigable Lisa Bernstein, is already hard at work.

The Garden Fete Committee has been struck, and plans are underway for yet another fantastic community event.  This year's Garden Fete will take place on Saturday, May 25th. Save the date!

Nina Moritsugu and Jenifer Glover, Co-Chairs

Parent Council would like to announce the creation of a new morning sports club.  This club will be open to all students in grades 4-6.  The goal is to encourage participation in a variety of sports, learn core skills, play weekly intramural games and have fun.  There will also be an opportunity for interested students to play against other school clubs.

Professionally trained coaches will run the morning sessions. 


What days will you be running programs?  The gym will be permitted for use Monday through Friday from 7:30-8:30 a.m.  Right now, programs are scheduled for Monday through Thursday.

When will it start and for how long?  Programs will begin February 19th and run for 8 weeks.

Which sports are being offered?  Initially, we will run Basketball and Volleyball.

Is it one sport or another?  No.  Students are welcome to do both.  The plan is to offer 2 mornings of volleyball and 2 mornings of basketball.

Which days for which sports?  Basketball will be offered Mondays & Wednesdays.  Volleyball will be offered Tuesdays & Thursdays.

Will there be a limited number of spots?  No.  We want to include everyone. If the numbers exceed expectation we may consider putting kids in one day or another.

What is the format?  The objective is to do skills development for approximately half the time and then run games for the latter half.

Will teams play against other schools?  A number of schools have contacted Brown with interest in playing school vs. school games.  We are still working out the logistics of team selection but this is something that will be available to interested students.

Program costs:  Cost per program is $50 for the 8-week period.  The goal is to cover costs (coaching, gym time, equipment if necessary, possibly refs) not to make a profit.  We will be very transparent on this front, but it may not be perfect out of the gates.  Cheques can be made out to Brown Parent Council.

How do I register my child?  Registration forms are available online ( and in the office beginning Friday, February 8th. Please return them to the office by Wednesday, February 13th.

Further questions can be directed to Yvonne Harding at who will try to respond as quickly as possible.