Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Student Showcase - May 2014


Grade 4 Reflections on Brown School’s Mini Me to We Day on May 5th

This is how We Day at Brown inspired me.  I learned that all the fundraising efforts we have at Brown are working. We are helping less fortunate children get access to clean water.  We are helping to build a school in Ghana.  So far we have raised a lot of money for this.  We can slowly change this world into a better place for every child.  I learned that we should never stop helping others in this world.
By J.G., Rm 35

The Spencer West presentation made me think.  It made me think about how lucky we are to go to a school with running water, our own desks, books to read, paper to write on, and a teacher to educate me.  Some kids don’t even get to go to school and the ones that can don’t have the basic things they need to learn!  This presentation showed me that I can create change today!  I can hold a book sale or have a lemonade stand, roll up all the change I collect, and give it to RBC because they will give the money to help free the children! I can create change in this world!
By S.M., Rm 35

We were so lucky to see the We Day presentation!  Spencer West, Hannah Adler and the band Neverest all made me think about how I create can change.  What was most surprising about the presentation was that Hannah Adler is only 11 years old!  I realized that no matter what you do (or how old you are) you can do anything!  To create change I want to make a gift shop where I will sell bracelets, baskets, pencils, and badges.  Then I will donate the money to Free the Children.
By E.R., Rm 35

At the We Day presentation I learned about children’s situations in other countries.  Some children have to go to a school with no windows and a dirt floor that becomes muddy when it rains.  Also, I learned that many children don’t have clean drinking water!  I felt so bad for children who can’t go to a school like Brown.  The presenters taught me that I can make a change in this world!  I am grateful to Spencer West, Hannah Adler, and the band Neverest for teaching me that the whole world be changed for the better!
By L.S., Rm 35