On behalf of the Brown Public School staff, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you as we begin this new school year! I would also like to take this opportunity to especially welcome all the new families who are joining our Brown Public School Community. Our students are settling in to their new classrooms, renewing friendships and making new friends! Some of our families have moved away from the Brown area and we wish them all the best.
Our school year begins with a few new staff members and a renovation in Room 11. We welcome our new Vice-Principal, Christine Pouliot; a new PREP teacher, Jennifer Kruk; a new Special Needs Assistant, Barbara Barron and Wanda MacFarlane, our new clerical. Our Full Day Kindergarten classes are now in full operation and the children that were placed in Room 11 have been divided between Room 9 and Room 14. The classroom teacher for those classes has been working with her students throughout the day. We appreciate everyone’s patience and support as the new and old routines are established and reinforced. Parents are asked to refer to the updated FAQs for information on morning entry and pick up for each day and to become familiar with the routines and practices here at Brown P.S.
We are very proud of the programs and opportunities that are offered at our school. We look forward to continuing to work with you to maintain the high standards that already exist at Brown P.S. and ensuring that your children achieve their personal best. I want to thank you for your support in helping us to make the school an excellent and safe learning environment for all.
It goes without saying that a great school has great staff! The staff worked hard to get the year off to a good start to provide a positive learning environment for our students. I would like to thank the teachers who gave their time over the summer to prepare their classrooms for the new school year, in addition to attending courses and workshops. I would also like to acknowledge and thank our caretaking staff, Peter, Mark, Leon and Daniel for doing an amazing job of getting the school ready for opening day, and Lois and Wanda who support parents and students with all the essential information with registration and the school start-up routines in the main office.
The letter we sent out to parents/guardians last week listed all the new staff to Brown P.S.
Our staff is a dedicated group of professionals who work together to meet the individual needs of all of our students. We appreciate their enthusiasm and efforts. I am sure you will join me in welcoming our new staff.
Sharp start in the gym at 6:30 PM followed by two classroom sessions at 7:00 and 7:15 PM.
All parents and guardians are invited to attend Brown School's Curriculum Night on Tuesday, September 23, 2014. Reminders will be sent home by hard copy and e-mail. We look forward to seeing everyone! The evening will begin in the Gym at 6:30 PM with a general gathering and introduction of teachers, staff and programs.
This year teachers will offer two sessions for parents to attend. The first session will begin at 6:55-7:10 PM; the second session will begin at 7:10-7:25 PM. Offering two sessions will allow our parents with children in the Primary and Junior grades an opportunity to meet their teachers. We hope you will drop by the library to meet our Librarian, Physical and Health Education, Music, ESL and Swim teachers. This is not an interview evening. Please contact teachers individually if you would like to discuss your child’s academics before the November Progress Report Interviews.
The Administration Team will be in the Office greeting families.
Our enrolment has changed and is not as high as we anticipated in certain grades. As a result, we anticipate a reorganization to meet Ministry class size caps. All schools in the TDSB have been working to ensure compliance with this Primary Class Size initiative as required by the Ministry of Education. The Ministry expectation is that in 90% of the primary classes, the ratio of students to teacher will not exceed 20:1. In the remaining 10% of primary classes, the ratio of students to teacher will not exceed 23:1. For our school to be fully compliant with this Ministry expectation, it is likely that we will need to reorganize within the next two weeks. This reorganization is required to ensure full implementation of the Primary Class Size initiative. Schools do not have the option of not reorganizing in these situations.
The Full Day Kindergarten classes are the exception to the above as the ratios are different and there are two adults in the classroom at all times. Our classes are very high in Kindergarten; however, not as high as last year. We are currently waiting to find out what the Board will suggest as our next steps regarding our Kindergarten numbers.
A message from Shelley Laskin regarding Class size
Managing Class Size – Why your child may be asked to change classes
Each year, our TDSB planning department works with schools to develop enrolment projections with drive the staffing allocation of each school. Although it may not seem like it in your child’s class, as a system, we are very accurate to within less than one percent of the overall projections. And as you may have noticed, we have fluctuations in enrolment registrations within each school. For example, in elementary schools where there is a primary class size cap of 20 students in Grades 1-3, (90% of all classes must be no more than 20 with an exemption of up to 10% of all classes up to 23 students system wide) changes in registration of just a few students can have an effect on how the school may need to realign and can result in many students having to change classes.
In terms of changes each September, elementary school Principals review the enrolment on a daily basis during the first two weeks and report the enrolment centrally at the end of the first week and again each day leading up to the official count date (September 12) with regard to potential piercing of Primary Class Size caps or having large grade 4-8 classes and Full Day Kindergarten classes (FDK). Principals consult with Parent Councils and School Staffing Committees with regard to student attendance and any possibilities that may require realignment and work with central staffing to make adjustments to the loading of classes so that they are compliant with the ministry requirements. In secondary, there may also be addition or reductions of new sections of subject classes.
System-wide, in comparison to projections for September 30, 2014, we are currently 1,545 head count below projection in the elementary panel (-0.89%), and 481 head count below projection in the secondary panel (-0.62%). In Ward 11, St Paul’s, in the 17 elementary (JK-8) schools in our Ward, we are down 11 elementary students (projected 7203 and have 71924) and in our 3 secondary schools; we are up 109 students (projected 2900; actual 3009).
On September 12 (count day), should realignment be necessary, Principals make any necessary final changes to meet parameters in consultation with their staff and Council and Superintendent. Classes are then realigned during the nest weeks and students start working with their new teachers. It is important to note that realignment for some schools may mean significant change while for others; the changes may be minor or not required. Everyone works to minimize disruption to the extent possible.
Grades 1-6 Reorganization
In the event of reorganization, parents should be aware of the following:
* There is a possibility your child will be involved in class reorganization and may have a change of class or teacher
* It is possible individual students may move classes to achieve the 20:1 ratio in the primary grades and smaller class sizes in the junior grades
When schools reorganize and assign students to different classes, the Principal and staff consider many issues including:
* ensuring compliance to class size is met in our new classes
* instructional groupings
* gender balance (boy/girl)
Letters will be going out shortly to parents whose children will be involved in these reorganizations.
TDSB's school year calendars are on Google Calendar (add to yours!). Elementary
Thanksgiving October 13, 2014
Board-wide PA Day November 14, 2014
Board-wide PA Day December 5, 2014
Christmas Break December 22, 2014 to January 2, 2015 (inclusive)
Last day of school December 19, 2014
School resumes January 5, 2015
Elementary PA Day January 23, 2015
Board-wide PA Day February 13, 2015
Family Day February 16, 2015
March Break March 16 to 20, 2015
Good Friday April 3, 2015
Easter Monday April 6, 2015
Victoria Day May 18, 2015
Elementary PA Day June 5, 2015
Board-wide PA Day June 26, 2015
Before scheduling events, please check the TDSB Days of Significance Calendar
The school year always begins with information gathering to ensure a safe and positive environment for all of our students, staff and parent community. There are many forms that must be filled out. Students received the package of forms on September 2. We asked parents/guardians to return all the forms to the classroom teacher by September 5. It is important for us to update our files with this pertinent information. Your cooperation and prompt attention to this timeline is appreciated. Please note the green form that requires us to have your permission to receive electronic communication based on the new Anti-Spam legislation. We really would appreciate 100% compliance to this as it will make our communication to our community much easier.
In the past, parents have been able to apply for the Early French Immersion Program in January of each year. This has changed. This year, parents must apply between November 3rd and December 5th 2014 for the September 2015 school year. Notices have been sent to parents of our Junior Kindergarten students. We will be hosting a French Immersion Information Night on November 19 at 7:00 PM in the Library on our second floor.
TDSB Letter to Parents.pdf
We have started the school year with an unfortunate number of wasp stings since the first day of school. Our Health and Safety Department has been in to assess our situation and our Board Facilities Department has visited several times to try and solve our problem. We have asked students to eat their snacks before they go out for AM and PM recess and continue to remind them to wash their hands after they have handled food to prevent attracting wasps. Our caretakers are cleaning out the garbage bins regularly as part of our plan. We are all doing our best to keep our staff and students safe.
Each year we remind parents and students to please limit their calls to and from the office unless there is an emergency. Our office secretaries are always happy to help with general questions; however, they prefer fewer phone call disruptions during the day for things like forgotten swim or gym clothes. Please check student agendas and schedules to ensure your child does not forget their swim or gym attire. If you are delivering a forgotten lunch, write your child’s name and room number on the bag and we will ensure your child receives it before lunch. Your cooperation is kindly appreciated.
Every TDSB school has a School Code of Conduct implemented to provide learning environments that are safe, nurturing, positive and respectful. Our School Code of Conduct will be reviewed with our students during our school assemblies and maintained and reinforced throughout the school year. The expectation regarding personal cell phones and all other personal communication devices is that these devices must be powered off during all instructional times. Playstation portable games and other electronic toy devices should remain at home to prevent any loss or theft. Magic cards and other trading cards have caused a number of unpleasant situations at school and we ask that the cards remain at home also.
Our entry bell rings at 8:40 AM. The teachers begin yard supervision at 8:25 AM. Please do not leave your child in the schoolyard before this time because there is no supervision. Students in Grades 1-6 should be picked up at 3:10 PM. in the same location each day. Grade 1 and 2 children are picked up and dropped off in the Primary Playground while the grade 4-6 students are dropped off in the Junior yard area. The school day ends at 3:10 PM for Grades 1-6 students
If children require extra help, classroom remediation time is between 3:10-3:25 PM. This is considered to be part of our academic day, so please understand that teachers may keep students in the class for some additional attention at this time.
All parents are asked to bring their children to the school yard off Poplar Plains Rd. during the morning and drop the children off in their designated yards. As our hallways are very narrow, we ask that parents please continue to drop their children off in the school yard instead of entering the school. Unfortunately our hallways are very narrow and we ask that strollers are not brought into the school.
With Full Day Kindergarten we ask that parents drop their children off directly in the classroom to alleviate congestion in the Primary yard. We ask parents of Kindergarten children to bring their children to school at 8:30 AM. Dismissal is 3:00 PM from the classroom or designated area the classroom teacher has suggested.
The Primary playground is used by the Kindergarten to Grade 2 students. The play structure within this area is only for this age group. The twirly wheel feature is off limits to Kindergarten children.
The Junior playground is used by our Grades 4-6 students throughout the day and the Grade 2s and 3s only during their lunch recess. The Junior playground structure is off limits to the Primary students including the Grade 2s and 3s at lunch recess. There have been too many accidents on this play structure in the past and we have asked the 2s and 3s not to engage in any play on this junior structure for safety reasons. Parents are asked to supervise their children at all times while their children are on the structures after school hours.
Please note that the school yard and all play structure areas are permitted by Unicorn Day Care at 3:30 PM every day. As we work in partnership with Unicorn Day Care, we ask that parents/guardians respect this time and allow the day care their time and space in the yard.
If it is necessary to pick up your child during the school day, please send a note to the classroom teacher indicating what time you would like to meet your child in the school office.
* A student who is leaving during the school day is to be dismissed through the office
* The student is to wait at the office for the parent
* The parent is to sign out their child in the SIGN OUT binder
* Students will not be released to an adult other than a parent or guardian without the consent of the parent either in writing or verbally to the teacher, office staff or administration
When a student is returning back to school from an appointment, parents are reminded to sign their child in at the office, using the SIGN IN binder.
All Visitors to our school are requested to Sign In and wear a Visitor’s Pass identifying who they are throughout the school.
Safe Arrival Program
Brown School has an Attendance Verification Program to support the safe arrival of our students. We will call home if your child has not arrived at school. It is essential that all parents report their child’s absence or late arrival due to an appointment to 416-393-1557 before 8:20 AM. Classes begin at 8:40 AM. Please ensure that your child arrives at school on time. It is important for our students to be here on time so that we can begin attendance verification promptly.
Also, children who arrive on time benefit from valuable teaching time and instruction first thing in the morning.
We ask that parents do not drop off or pick up students or park their vehicle in the laneway/driveway off Avenue Road. This area is for TDSB maintenance and construction crew trucks only. It is impossible for the trucks to turn around when there are cars parked at the back. This has been an ongoing safety concern and we ask for everyone’s cooperation in keeping this driveway clear.
Parents who are dropping off their children by car are asked to drop their children off at the Poplar Plains Rd. designated Kiss 'n Ride area. Our parent volunteers have already started up the program and we ask for everyone’s cooperation and patience once again. Mornings are difficult as we are dealing with morning traffic, school buses, neighbours getting out of driveways and cyclists. We ask you to be safe and cautious at all times to ensure the safety of all. Also, please ensure you do not block homeowners’ driveways.
School Bus Zone on Poplar Plains Road
A number of our students are still being bussed to Brown P.S. The area near the staff parking lot is the designated bus zone. This area must remain clear at all times for the school buses. Cars will be fined if in this area.
The parking lot is for staff use only. Unfortunately, we do not have enough parking spots for guests and would appreciate parents and visitors to find alternative parking when visiting our school. There are one hour parking spots available off Balmoral Ave. and some of the side streets off Poplar Plains Rd. Again, please ensure you do not block homeowners’ driveways. The parking lot is strictly for staff use only, particularly given the number of new staff we have.
Please respect our Board policy by not bringing dogs onto the playground. The yard is a small space used by our children. We love our pets too, but we have already had children come into the office with soiled clothing and shoes. Everyone's co-operation is greatly appreciated.
To promote a safe learning environment, students are expected to walk their bicycles to the racks and carry their skateboards, rollerblades and scooters while on school property during school hours. Shoes with built-in wheels are not to be used for that purpose while at school.
Order online at www.qsp.ca; your order will be processed immediately. Our Magazine Drive will begin in September. Stay tuned for more information which will be sent home with our students.
Terry Walk –Tuesday September 24. On Tuesday, September 24, all Brown School students and staff will be participating in the Annual Terry Fox Walk commemorating the 34th year for Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope. Students and their teachers will be walking around the Brown School neighbourhood.
The TDSB Pediculosis Coordinator and a group of trained parents have been doing lice checks periodically at our throughout the year for every class. Volunteers are essential to the smooth running of school wide lice checks and we thank all parents who have volunteered in the past years. This year our Parent Council has decided to hire an outside agency, NIT WORKS INC. to come and do the checks. Further information about lice checks will be sent out in a Brown Blast. We have had a couple of reports of lice so far and letters have been sent home to the classrooms affected.
The primary and junior students will have the opportunity to visit the library during each month. The junior students will have the opportunity to use the library for research at various times during the year. There is an open book exchange time daily. Our librarian, Mme Gagnon, will post times for book exchange and how parents can get involved by volunteering in the library.
Lost Books and Donations
A partial replacement fee of $10 paperbacks/$20 hard covers will be charged for lost and damaged books. Damaged or lost text books are $60. Donations of new or “like-new” books are always welcome at the library. Please see Mme Gagnon for further details.
We really appreciate parent volunteers throughout the year. If you would like to volunteer in the library or in a classroom on a regular basis this year, a Vulnerable Sector Criminal Background Check is required. Please see our office staff to obtain this form.
This school year we will continue to offer enrichment to our Lunch Program. If your child stays at school for lunch, they are in this program! Our enriched Lunch Program includes indoor/outdoor sports, swimming and club activities during recess.
Lunch Program General Guidelines
Our Board has allotted our school ten lunchtime supervisors for all of our students. Four lunchtime supervisors are allotted to the Full Day Kindergarten classes and six to our Grades 1-6 students. Lunches this year have been staggered to ensure the safety of our students with proper supervision.
The Grades 1-3 students eat lunch in the gym at 11:25-11:50 AM each day and then go out for lunch recess from 11:55 AM until 12:25 PM. In the past, grades 1-3 students ate in their classrooms; however, with Full Day Kindergarten we do not have enough supervisors for the eleven classrooms that our Primary students occupy. We have three lunchtime supervisors who are able to supervise our Primary students indoors and outdoors with the help of our staff and support staff during the first 15 minutes of lunch indoors and the last 15 minutes of lunch outdoors. The Grades 4-6 students have lunch recess outdoors from 11:25-11:50 AM and go to the gym for lunch from 11:55 AM until 12:25 PM.
Many of our students are part of Unicorn Day Care’s Hot Lunch Program or our Parent Council’s, Lunch Mom program. Unicorn Day Care’s Hot Lunch Program occupies a number of classrooms ensuring our students are nourished and supervised while our lunchtime supervisors attend to our students in the gym during the Lunch Mom program.
Many of our classrooms are being used for Band and Strings during the lunch hour and the several clubs that we have running throughout the year. Each of these programs is supervised by adults who are running the clubs and itinerant music programs.
To ensure that the lunch program runs efficiently and safely for the large number of students staying for lunch, please observe the following:
We request that you do not send food that needs to be refrigerated or microwaved. Please consider using thermoses and/or cold packs to keep your child’s lunch at the right temperature until lunchtime.
Peanut Butter and Nut Products should not be sent to School – this includes products that “may contain nuts”. Please see the Allergy Safe Suggestions for Parents being sent home this week.
We expect “Litterless Lunches” for environmental reasons. We have a “boomerang” program, which means everything your child does not consume goes back home, as well as all litter. This will allow you to monitor how much food is being uneaten and disposed of in your green bin.
Food, Glorious Food!
Lunch time at school is both a time for nutrition and socializing, and the lunch room is full of joyful conversation and tasty-looking lunches! We'd like to thank everyone who is sending meals in reusable containers as often as possible. As mentioned at the Annual General Meeting of the Parent Council last week, we'd like to ramp up our 'eco' efforts here at Brown P.S. and model, and encourage, environmental awareness and protection. In keeping with this attempt toward 'litter-less lunches', leftovers will be sent home – this practice also helps parents to know what their child is or is not eating.
Please remember that children sometimes get too anxious, excited or distracted to eat when they are with their friends. If you consistently notice that your child is coming home with a lot of leftovers, please have a conversation about the importance of nutrition and keeping their energy going through the day. While our lunch supervisors can ask a child about their lunch, they cannot insist that a child eat something. If we all work together to keep the conversations flowing, we can ensure that all of our students have the nutrition they need for valuable learning.
First Term is Flag Football, Boys and Girls Slo-Pitch!
Once again our staff will be running leagues and teams for the students in Grades 4, 5 and 6. Daily announcements are made for students interested in joining and/or trying out for teams. See Sports Corner below for more details!
Recreational “Noon” Swim for Grades 1-6. See the Aquatics News section for details!
Please contact our office immediately if your child has a condition we need to be made aware of or medication we need to know about. All of the medical forms must be returned during the first full week of school. If your child has a medical condition that requires immediate attention, please call the office.
My sincerest wishes to all for a great start to the school year. I look forward to seeing you on Curriculum Night.
Best Regards,
Gina Christakis
Brown Public School
416 393-1560