Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Sports Corner - October 2014

The Girls are on to the semi-finals against Clinton PS on Thursday Oct 16th @ 9:00AM at Deer Park PS. The team is coming off a great day of football last week with a convincing win over Whitney and a close loss to Deer Park. Thanks to all the parents for your support. See you on Thursday @ 8:30AM at Deer Park.

Mr. P and Mr. D

The Boys Football Team played in two wild and crazy games on October 14 and were on the victorious side of both games. The team is moving on to the semi-finals on Thursday October 16th @ Deer Park vs. Grenoble PS. Thanks to all the parents for their support.

Mr. P and Mr. D

The Girls Baseball Team had a wonderful day at Grenoble P.S. on Friday Oct 10th. The team lost only 1 of 4 games and is awaiting word on a possible playoff spot. Stay tuned.

Ms. Christakis and Mr. S

The Boys Baseball Team continues to roll as they are on their way to the Conference Semi-Finals (and hopefully Final) on Wed Oct 15th @ Christie Pits. Good luck Boys!

Mr. McNeilly and Mme Sulymko

Grade 4/5 Boys Volleyball Team (Mme Sulymko and Mr. Macdonald)
Grade 6 Boys Volleyball Team (Mme Sulymko and Mr. Macdonald)
Grade 4/5/6 Girls Basketball Team (Mr. P and Mr. D)

PLEASE CONTINUE TO CHECK THE SCHOOL WEBSITE for all the up-to-date sports teams information.