An amazing year of Girls Basketball has come to an end with a thrilling 29-27 loss in the South Conference Semi-Finals. The team worked very hard for several weeks learning all the ins and outs of basketball at early morning practices and at several team meetings. The coaches are very proud of their efforts and look forward to working with the returning students next year. To all the Grade 6 Girls who are moving on, GOOD LUCK next year as you embark on your Grade 7 Basketball adventures.
Mr. P and Mr. D
The Ice Hockey Team has been selected and is now preparing for the regular season and UCC Tournament. All Ice Hockey information has been e-mailed out to all the parents. Good luck to the team in the New Year!
Mr. P
Grade 4/5 Team and Grade 6 Team: Tryouts will start early in the new year.
Mme Sulymko, Ms. Silecky & Mr. Macdonald
The Boys Basketball tryouts will take place in early January. Announcements will be made to sign up with Mr. Stamatopoulos.
Grade 4/5
These boys sure came a long way this year! They improved so many of their volleyball skills. They played a thrilling tournament with two wins, a tight two sets against Palmerston. We look forward to seeing everyone back next year. Bump, set, spike!
Mr. Macdonald & Mme Sulymko
Grade 6
What a team! Not only did they sweep their tournament and learn how to set up and execute a three touch play, they became a team. And a classy one at that. Every boy on this team played a key role in supporting each other both on and off the court. Well done boys, we are proud of you.
Mr. Macdonald & Mme Sulymko