Wednesday, 17 December 2014

News from around Brown - December 2014

Brown Public School had an incredibly musical December.  Our Winterfest/Festival d'Hiver concert was a huge success. We are so very proud of our Grade 1-3 performers for their incredible singing and playing.  Our String Ensemble did a fantastic job, and we can't wait to hear them again in the spring.  Special thanks goes to the Junior Choir for their incredible interpretation and musicianship.  Thank you to all of the parents to brought yummy treats for us to enjoy after the concert.

The following day we enjoyed our beautiful Kindergarten Winterfest/Festival d'Hiver concert which was also a wonderful experience.  Some of our students were experiencing performing for the first (and certainly not last!) time.  Congratulations to all!

Junior Choir will continue in January. Students who wish to join may speak to Ms. Turner.  We will  have lots of music to learn for our the TDSB music festival in the spring.

Ukulele after four will also resume in the new year, however, they will not be accepting new students at this point.

Band and String Ensembles will also start again in January as they prepare for the spring concert.

The Story Writing Club is printing a copy of all of the stories created by its members into a single book. Copies of the book will be given to each writer and a signed copy will be available for borrowing in the library. Script Writing Club will start in January for all students in the Junior grades who would like to participate.

World Changers kicked off November with a Warm Clothing drive to collect outdoor gear for an organization supporting orphaned children overseas. Brown staff member Arianna Silecky's involvement running kids' camps with Help Us Help The Children is what spurred us to collect clothes for kids in Ukraine this year. The support was so overwhelming in fact that we extended the warm clothing drive to provide for some local kids in need as well. Thank you to all who brought their gently used cozy clothes to share with others.

For the past week World Changers has been selling blinking red noses at lunch time to support the Toronto Foundation for Student Success. TFSS is an independent charity that raises funds and provides programming to support TDSB kids in need - providing food, medical care, and after-school programming amongst other things. We will have a final tally of funds raised in our next edition of the bulletin.

The biggest undertaking for World Changers at this time of year is collecting and distributing items for our holiday hampers. This year our group depicted each family we are supporting with a picture of the individual(s) and their most needed items so that each class had a visual representation of what they were working towards collecting. Once again as our TDSB Social Work team arrived today to collect the hampers there were tears of gratitude shed over the incredible generosity Brown has demonstrated. Small household appliances, baby formula and diapers, clothing, sports equipment, toys, most cases we are told it is simply the sheer thoughtfulness that these families are most touched by. Thank you so much to everyone for your generous contributions and rest assured that you have made a significant difference in a few families lives these holidays. In the New Year we will have a few of the Social Workers come into the school to speak with the World Changers about how the gifts were received.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact the co-chairs, Allison Fortier <> and Laura Finch <>.