Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Parent Council News - December 2014

Garden Fête
Planning is underway for the 2015 edition of Garden Fête which takes place Saturday, May 23. Laura Chorneyko and the rest of the committee are excitedly preparing for another fun-filled day for students, parents and teachers. Please send the team an email ( if you’d like to take part in what may be the most entertaining  committee to volunteer with at Brown.

School Committees
One reason why Brown is a wonderful school is due to volunteer efforts made by members of the various committees that make up the Parent Council and we’re always looking for new faces to join us. You can find the contact information for the committee chairs on the Brown School website. Send us a note and we’ll meet with you to discuss your interests and availability. Another excellent venue to learn about the contributions made by volunteer parents is the monthly Parent Council meetings.

Next Meeting
The January Parent Council meeting will take place Thursday, January 22 at 9:00 a.m. in the Teachers Lounge, located on the second floor. As always everyone is welcome to attend and we hope to see you there. Bring a friend along and enjoy some coffee as we discuss new and ongoing initiatives at Brown School.

Nick Bibassis and Toni Wharton, Co-chairs