Thursday, 19 February 2015

Sports Corner - February 2015


We have had an incredible start to our season with a lot of enthusiasm and hard work down at the pool. The following, is a list of dates/schools where Swim Meets have been scheduled. Please note that these Meets are set for the morning and we will return to school after lunch.

Thursday, February 26th @ Keele St. PS
Thursday, March 5th @ Brown
Tuesday, March 10th @ Hillcrest

Friday, March 27th (tentative) @ Harbord C.I. - TDSB Semi-final
Thursday, April 9th @ Rosedale - TDSB City-Finals

Please note: Team members will need to have a bagged lunch for the "away" meets.


The School Hockey Team played their best game of the year during their Quarter Final matchup vs. Dunlace PS. Great performances by the goalies, stellar work by the defensive core and a relentless attack by the forwards was the perfect combination for success. The team won by a score of 4 -1 and are now moving on to the semi-finals on Wednesday, February 25th @ Forest Hill Arena (12-1pm).

Mr. Profiti


The Junior Boys Basketball season has come and gone. The tournament at Forest Hill was an immense learning experience and most importantly a lot of fun. Brown Jr. P.S. was able to remain victorious against Forest Hill on their home court by a large margin. Players on our team, through experience and hard work improved their skills immensely throughout the season. I congratulate them and am proud of them. Well Done.

Mr. Stamatopoulos


Badminton - Boys and Girls in Grade 4 to 6 (Mr. Profiti)
Co-Ed Volleyball - Boys and Girls in Grade 6 only (Mme. Sulymko, Mr. Macdonald and Ms. Silecky)