Wednesday, 15 April 2015

News from the Office, April 2015 - Message from the Principal


We are into the final stretch of the school year and as always, it is one of the busiest times of the year. While many expect us to be winding down, we are actually winding up for September 2015/2016 in our offices. It is Staffing, Classroom Organization and Second Term Report Card Season.

Volunteers are still needed for our upcoming Garden Fete Event on Saturday May 23.  Please check the Parent Council News for contact information if interested in helping out. I will be serving hamburgers again.

Student Attendance and Punctuality 
Regular student attendance and punctuality are important in order for students to be successful at school. The Education Act states that it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that their children attend school regularly. A student's academic progress depends on regular class attendance.

TDSB elementary schools practise the Safe Arrival Program that requires schools to perform a school-home attendance check. Notify the school when your child will be absent. Students are expected to fully participate in learning opportunities and complete all homework assignments and tests when they are absent so make sure your child is getting homework assignments when they are absent.

You can help ensure that your child is in school and on time for classes by:
- being involved in your child's education;
- knowing the school's schedule;
- communicating regularly with classroom teachers (use your child's planner to send notes to the teacher);
- calling the school if your child is going to be absent;
- writing a note if your child is late due to an appointment;
- ensuring that your child gets a good night's sleep so that they have the energy they need for the next day.

District Review Process
Our school had a District Review on April 1, 2015.  Board representatives including our Superintendent, Sandra Tondat visited all the classrooms and chatted with students and staff about their learning and our school.  It was a very successful day and we received positive feedback. A full report will be sent to us shortly.

The morning began with presentations from our Parent Council (Toni Wharton), our teachers in the Position of Responsibility (Mr. McNeilly, Ms. Holland and Mrs. Mankiewicz) and two of our students who brought tears to our eyes with their stories about their journey at Brown. I will share my presentation in June along with the highlights of the report.

Day of Pink  
April 8th was the International Day of PINK.  The International Day of Pink is a day of Action, born from a youth in a high school in Nova Scotia who was bullied because of his sexual orientation and wearing a pink shirt to school.

Fellow students who saw the incident intervened, but wanted to do more so they purchased pink shirts. Two weeks after the incident, hundreds of students came to school wearing pink to show support for diversity and stop bullying, discrimination, homophobia and transphobia.  Following the incident, Jer’s Vision (Canada’s Youth diversity Initiative Organization) partnered with the students who started this day of action, and now share it with millions of people who wear pink on this day each year. Two years ago our Grade 5 and 6 students have had the privilege of meeting Jeremy Dias, the Director and Founder of Jer’s Vision at our school.

This year, 83% of our students showed their support by wearing pink and raising awareness to stop bullying and celebrating diversity.

To our families who celebrated Easter and Passover, we hope you enjoyed time with your family and friends.

Thank you to all for your continued support at Brown P.S.

Gina Christakis                         Christine Pouliot
Principal                                    Vice-Principal

Brown P.S.                                 Brown P.S.