Friday, 21 April 2017

April 7, 2017: Panther Press


 Day of Pink April 12th, WEAR PINK
 Parent Council  April 24th, 7pm
 Mardi Gras Assembly April 27th, AM
 Kindergarten Orientation (for new students)  May 1st, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
 Junior Concert May 11th, 9am
 Dance Share (Grades 4-6) May 19th
 EQAO (for Grades 3 & 6) May 24th - June 1st (please refrain from
 booking appointments during this window)
 Garden Fete May 27th
 Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony June 15th, 1pm
 Kindergarten Celebration June 23rd (New date!)
Next Wednesday, April 12, Brown will be participating again in the International Day of Pink.  In addition to raising awareness about bullying, trans/homophobia, it is an opportunity to discuss gender stereotypes and celebrate diversity in all forms!
Please work with us to ensure our students use the road signs properly and, in particular, use the Cross Walk to cross Poplar Plains Road.   
If you have purchased milk for your child, please remind them to come and pick it up at the beginning of lunch. 

Co-ed Volleyball 

Grade 4/5 - Congrats on an amazing season thus far, the team is off to the Conference Championship game...details to follow soon.
Grade 6 - Our team is playing in the Semifinals on Friday afternoon, good luck, Go Panthers!
Girls Soccer Team 
Grade 4/5 and the Grade 6 Girls Soccer team will have tryouts on the following dates:
Wednesday April 12 and Thursday April 13 @ 7:15am at Winston Churchill Park. At the conclusion of the tryouts the team along with the coaches will walk back to school together. A change of shoes and socks for the rest of the school day are highly recommended, the park is still quite muddy. if it's raining, we'll tryout in the Gym.
Mr. P and Mr. D
Badminton Team
Congratulations to the Grade 6 team who won the Conference Championship on April 6th. The team is heading to the City Finals on April 20th. More info will be emailed to the parents regarding the City Finals very soon.

Track and Field Team
Many of the Grade 4 to 6 students have been running the various Track events in PE class. We have started to put together the team but have many spots still to fill. The following events will take place in your child's PE class: 80m, 200m, 400m. 
The following events will take place outside of school hours: 
60m Hurdles - Friday April 21st @ 7:15am
1500m - Monday April 24th @ 7:15am 
800m - Friday April 28th @ 7:15am.
If your child (Grade 4 to 6), makes it on to the Track and Field Team, we will have our 1st competition on Tuesday May9th @ Birchmount Stadium. A letter with detailed information about our 1st meet will be sent home with your child at the end of April.
Mr. P
Camp season is upon us!  Help support Brown Public School by buying the things you already need! Mabel's Labels is offering early bird pricing for their Sleepaway and Day Camp Label Packs for 2017.  Early bird pricing is only available until April 30th.  
Go to and select Brown Public School (Toronto) from the school dropdown list
All purchases made through this link on the Mabel's Labels website throughout the year help support our fundraising goals!
Please see the attachment. As always we are here if you have any questions.
Join a fun and dynamic team of parents in helping get the "news out"!  
We are looking for someone to join our communications team.
The team works in tandem to coordinate with other committees and administration  
to send out email blasts and the weekly Panther Press. Technology background necessary. Ideally an active volunteer in Brown Parent Council and available for Parent Council meetings. Training is provided.
The full description of roles and responsibilities can be found as Item 18 here:

Please contact Amanda Demers ( or Joanna Onoszko ( for more information.
Please keep the following in mind during morning drop-off:
This is a gentle reminder that Kiss & Ride is a drop off zone, on Poplar Plains Road, for students grades 1-6 only. Kindergarten children must be walked to their classrooms.
This program is staffed completely by Brown parent volunteers, from 8:25-8:40am. 
A few reminders for all parents:
  • There is no parking in the designated Kiss & Ride drop off area, or in the school bus zone between 8:25am and 8:40am for ANY reason.  
  • When using Kiss & Ride, drivers must stay in the vehicle; volunteers will open the doors for your child(ren) on the passenger side of the car.
  • If you must enter the schoolyard or your child is not able to walk in alone you need to park on one of the side streets where parking is permitted. 
  • Parking in the Kiss'n'Ride zone is NOT permitted.
  • For safety reasons, the Avenue Road Driveway is only to be used by TDSB Facilities staff, and Brown Administration.
  • Please note that the parking lot off Poplar Plains is for Brown School Staff only.
  • Our program relies on volunteers. Please be courteous with our Kiss & Ride volunteers!              
Morning Parking is available in the neighbourhood in these areas:
  • 10 minutes parking on Lynwood between Avenue Rd. and Poplar Plains
  • on Warren Road
  • VERY LIMITED parking on Poplar Plains near Lynwood
  • on Balmoral Ave East and West of Poplar Plains, and East of Avenue Road
  • On Clarendon Avenue.
Make sure you are following @BrownPSPanthers on Twitter!
Updates are happening daily!