Tuesday, 10 January 2017

November 18, 2016: Panther Press

French Immersion SK applications due by December 1st (online)
Photo Retake Day 
November 23 - 9am 
November 23rd
Peace Day Assembly
November 25th - 2:15pm 
All parents welcome!  
Students to wear their GROOVY clothes!
PA Day
December 2nd - no school for students
Primary Concert (Grades 1-3)
December 8th - 9am
Sports' Assembly
December 19th, Parents welcome
School DanceDecember 22nd
Pyjama Day and School Sing-a-long 
December 23rd - 9am, All parent welcome
Last Day before the HolidaysDecember 23rd
First Day Back at School
January 9th

Well we were certainly spoiled this week! By all of you! Thank you for your kindness, generosity and incredible baking and cooking. The staff at Brown cannot thank you enough for thinking of us all. We feel so incredibly lucky to work in partnership with all of you. Hugs from the heart from all of us to all of you...

Go Brown! Go Brown!
We'll say it loud,
Because we are proud.
Yaaay Panthers!
Stock up on Panther Pride apparel at Fall Fling! Perfect stocking stuffers or holiday gifts for the whole family! Hoodies, sweatpants, baseball shirts, T-shirts, swim cinch bags, baseball caps and our NEW 2016/2017 season toque colors
For anyone who is unable to attend Fall Fling, please watch Panther Press
for our next "Pop Up Table" date in December.

All parents are welcome to see the following performances.
Mr. MacDonald's class will be doing a retelling of The Loathsome Dragon. A tale about
a princess who is transformed into a dragon and needs her brother's help to return
to her former self.
Mr. Pare's class will be doing a retelling of Stone Soup. A traditional tale about a group of monks who help bring a village that has being going through hard times, together. 
These performances will be December 7th at 9am.  

We have had a great couple of weeks of practice and it is all coming together!
The dates are set for our upcoming swim meets, and are as follows:
  • Friday December 9th at Brown with a 9:45am start.
    This meet will run until lunchtime.
  • Tuesday December 13th will be at Hillcrest and will begin at 10am
    and will run until lunchtime.
Students will be walking to Hillcrest so please be sure to dress warmly and
pack a lunch. We have placed an order for team t-Shirts & team caps.
This year we have gone with Royal Blue (Blue Jays Blue) with white lettering.
Please note: This year, we have offered team shirts for the members of our
"Training Team" as well.
Stay tuned for more updates,
Your Coaches
Photo Retake Day will be November 23rd, beginning at 9am.
  • Applications for Early French Immersion (for a Junior Kindergarten aged child), must be completed online between November 1, 2016 and December 1, 2016.
  • Applications for Junior Extended French must be completed online between January 9, 2017 and February 2, 2017.
These applications are done online. Please visit the TDSB website.
Please keep the following in mind during morning drop-off:
This is a gentle reminder that Kiss & Ride is a drop off zone, on Poplar Plains Road, for students grades 1-6 only. Kindergarten children must be walked to their classrooms.
This program is staffed completely by Brown parent volunteers, from 8:25-8:40am. 
A few reminders for all parents:
  • There is no parking in the designated Kiss & Ride drop off area, or in the school bus zone between 8:25am and 8:40am for ANY reason.  
  • When using Kiss & Ride, drivers must stay in the vehicle; volunteers will open the doors for your child(ren) on the passenger side of the car.
  • If you must enter the schoolyard or your child is not able to walk in alone you need to park on one of the side streets where parking is permitted. 
  • Parking in the Kiss'n'Ride zone is NOT permitted.
  • For safety reasons, the Avenue Road Driveway is only to be used by TDSB Facilities staff, and Brown Administration.
  • Please note that the parking lot off Poplar Plains is for Brown School Staff only.
  • Our program relies on volunteers. Please be courteous with our Kiss & Ride volunteers!              
Morning Parking is available in the neighbourhood in these areas:
  • 10 minutes parking on Lynwood between Avenue Rd. and Poplar Plains
  • on Warren Road
  • VERY LIMITED parking on Poplar Plains near Lynwood
  • on Balmoral Ave East and West of Poplar Plains, and East of Avenue Road
  • On Clarendon Avenue
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 23. Join us at The Rosehill Bar and Lounge at 6 Rosehill Ave. at 6:30 pm for our annual Fall Fling. This is the Brown School community's biggest fundraising event of the year! 
Run by parent volunteers and supported by the Brown School administration and teachers, the Fall Fling is an entertaining event that raises much needed funds used to enhance your child's education. 
Your ticket includes delicious hors d'oeuvres and access to the amazing Silent Auction where one-of-a-kind items and experiences go to the highest bidder! The auction includes donated items, a wine garden, and artwork created by the children of Brown School.
100% of money raised goes to the school. This year a special emphasis will be placed on the following: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), Upgrading the technology in the classrooms, and Athletics 
For more information go to our website.
To purchase tickets please click here.