Wishing everyone a wonderful week together! We look forward to seeing everyone upon their return to school on March 20th!
After the March Break we will be trying
something a little bit different! If your child has forgotten something
at home, such as their lunch or their project - we will ask that you
drop it off in the office and place a sticky note on the item with your
child's name.
Please see below regarding the SEAC survey.
This week we participated in The Big Crunch!
The Eco Team promoted healthy sustainable snacks that don't produce trash.
Brown joined in and celebrated The Great Big Crunch http://foodshare.net/ Every student from Kindergarten to Grade 6 enjoyed this waste free treat!
Check our new updates to Eco web page http://brownschool.ca/
The Brown School Co-Ed Badminton Team tryouts will take place right after the March
Break. There will be 2 teams selected, a Grade 6 Team made up of 6 Boys
and 6 Girls along with a Grade 4/5 Team made up of 6 Girls and 6 Boys
from Grade 4/5 (please note, it is not mandatory to have Grade 4's on
your Grade 4/5 team).
Tryout Schedule: Due to the Island School trips, the tryout schedule needed to be modified.
1) Monday March 20 @ 7:15am in the Gym - Grade 4's and the Grade 5's from Room 38 & 34
2) Tuesday March 21 @ 7:15am in the Gym - Grade 6's from Room 38 & 34
3) Thursday March 23 @ 7:15am in the Gym - Grade 4's on the posted list and the Grade 5's from Room 32, 30 and 35
4) Friday March 24 @ 7:15am in the Gym - Grade 6's from Room 32 & 30
At the conclusion of these tryouts the teams will be selected and
practice will take place 3 days/week @ 7:15am in the Gym (exact dates
are yet to be confirmed).
I would like to invite all third graders to join Musical Theatre Choir this spring. We will be rehearsing weekly on Day 4 at 11:45 a.m.
in the gym. We are trying to become the best musicians we can be, so it
is important that we rehearse together as often as possible. Students
who miss many rehearsals may not be able to sing with us at our upcoming
If you are interested, please sign up by Friday, March 10th. There will be a sign-up sheet posted at Room 16.
Calling all parents!
If you play the piano/keyboard and would like to play the accompaniment for our set, please contact me at jessica.bloomfield@tdsb.on.ca
Jessica Bloomfield
K-3 Arts Teacher, Brown P.S.
Have you heard the news? Prestige Swim Academy is coming to
Brown PS for an after school swim program! With a successful start at
Deer Park, offering both Intro to Competitive Swim, & Stroke
Development classes, Prestige is coming to Brown for an
8 week Spring Session.
Focus will be in the area of Competitive Swimming with
emphasis on strength, conditioning, & style. Mr.D & fellow swim
instructor/coach Mr.Neil (from Deer Park) have created an After School
swim program which follows their philosophies in stroke development with
an emphasis on FUN!
Starting Wednesday March 29th Prestige will be offering Intro to Competitive Swim 101. Open for all students Grades 1-6. Minimum requirement is to be able to swim a length of Brown's pool without stopping. For more details & sign up information please check the website or e-mail info@prestigeswimacademy.com. |
cannot thank you enough for your generosity and kindness! Your food and
treats were a HUGE hit and made the Staff Appreciation Day absolutely
incredible! Thank you for always thinking of us and for your positive
energy and spirit that you bring to us each day!
Calling all Grandparents, Retirees, or anyone interested!
Toronto Police Service School Crossing Guard Association is looking to hire school crossing guards! If you know grandparents and/or retirees in the neighborhood who are interested in helping out and getting some fresh air throughout the school day, please have them contact: Officer Wai Lau P.C. #3765 School Crossing Guard Coordinator 53 Division Toronto Police Service 416-808- 5327 |
Please keep the following in mind during morning drop-off:
This is a gentle reminder that Kiss & Ride is a
drop off zone, on Poplar Plains Road, for students grades 1-6 only.
Kindergarten children must be walked to their classrooms.
This program is staffed completely by Brown parent volunteers, from 8:25-8:40am.
A few reminders for all parents:
Morning Parking is available in the neighbourhood in these areas: