Wednesday 10 October 2012

News from the Office - Oct 2012

  • Principal’s message
  • Grade re-organization
  • Student emergency forms
  • First term report card information
  • Annual Parent Breakfast 
  • Terry Fox walk 
  • Curriculum afternoon 
  • Halloween parade 
  • Safe arrival program
  • Yard supervision
  • Visitor sign-in book
  • Kiss ’n Ride
  • School parking lot

Cross country: I would like to thank Catherine Rosebrugh and all the parents who helped our Brown P.S. students have a great Cross Country experience.  Our Physical and Health Education teacher, Mr. Profiti and our Grade 4/5 French Immersion teacher, Mr. Pare registered our school in time for us to participate on Tuesday, October 2 at Ashbridge’s Bay.  As a result of Brown P.S. being a registered team, students who qualified at this meet will be participating in the city finals (date to be announced).

Challenging times: While the year has started with some challenges and concerns, I would like to express that our teachers will continue to deliver the curriculum with the high expectations Brown P.S. is known for. We have an incredible staff and community and while we navigate through these diverse and challenging times, I would like everyone to think about the importance of relationships. Someone mentioned to me the other day, that this too shall pass, but relationships last forever.  I work with incredible staff and will continue to inspire, encourage and support my team to keep pace and help all of our children learn and succeed.

Connecting and volunteering: The children here at Brown P.S. continue to be the best students I have ever met. I have formed some great relationships in the past year and look forward to many more positive relationships throughout the year.  I welcome our new students and their families and look forward to becoming more acquainted with them in the next few months.  I encourage parents to get involved in their children’s learning. Connect with the teachers and volunteer your time in the classroom or with school council. Hillary Rodham Clinton stated: “Even one caring adult in the life of a young person can make all the difference in the world.”

I believe that together we can and will help our children achieve success to become the global learners that are connected and challenged beyond the world of school.

Gina G. Christakis
Brown P.S.

To comply with the Ministry caps in the primary and junior grades, we had to undergo a few classroom re-organizations. A number of students were re-organized from the grade 3 and 4 English stream classes.  We recently created a Junior/Senior Kindergarten split class to accommodate the larger-than-anticipated numbers in our afternoon SK class. We are currently working on balancing our grade 3 French Immersion classes.

Requests for updates to emergency information were sent home recently. Thank you to all parents and guardians who have returned these forms with all pertinent information included.  If you have not returned them, please do so as soon as possible.
In case of an emergency, it is imperative that we have an up-to-date telephone number for your home, work, daytime care provider, daycare or family member. An emergency contact must be included.

First term report cards will be sent home to you on Tuesday, November 13 and/or Wednesday, November 14. The JK students will not receive a Progress Report; however, will have a Parent/Teacher conference scheduled on or near the time of the Parent/Teacher Conference dates scheduled on Thursday November 15, 3:45 to 8:00 p.m. and Friday November 16, 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.  More info to follow regarding scheduling conferences.  Please contact the classroom teacher to make an appointment.

On September 20th, our Parent Council hosted the Annual Parent Breakfast in the gym.  Thank you to our new co-chairs Nina Moritsugu and Jenifer Glover and the incredible Brown community parents for organizing such a welcoming event.  We hope that many new parents will volunteer and get involved in the life of the school by supporting and helping with the various events and activities that make Brown an incredible place for our children and community. We thank Lisa Bernstein, our past chair for all of her contributions in the past three years and welcome her as the school council Vice-Chair.

On Tuesday, September 25th, the students and staff of Brown Junior P.S. laced up their sneakers and walked a route through our community in support of The Marathon of Hope. It was a great day for our students who demonstrated their sense of spirit and enthusiasm towards a great cause. As a school, we are delighted to have raised over $1000 this year! This money will be donated to the Terry Fox Foundation to further cancer research. Thank you to our parent and student volunteers who helped ensure that all our students were safe during the walk. Special thanks to our teachers for participating and helping raise cancer awareness.
Many parents, students and relatives visited the classrooms and met with our teachers.  We were delighted to share information with parents in the gym after the teacher presentations. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher or us in the office. Parents or guardians that did not have an opportunity to meet with the classroom teacher may call the school and request an appointment from the teacher.
Please join us for our Halloween Parade on Wednesday, October 31 at approximately 9:30 a.m.  Children are invited to wear their costumes to school that morning.  (Afternoon Kindergarten students will dress up in the p.m.) Students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 will parade in the school yard area.  Dress up and come along if you can.

Tips for a fun and safe Halloween
* Go out with an adult
* Wear light coloured, fire resistant costumes
* Wear costumes short enough to prevent tripping
* Apply makeup instead of a mask
* Have an adult check treats before they are eaten

The Safe Arrival program is used by parents/guardians and schools to account for any student’s unexplained failure to arrive at school.  Please call the school safe arrival number 416-393-1557 before 8:55 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. (for an afternoon absence) if your child will not be attending school or plans to be late.  This line is available 24 hours a day with voice mail.  If your child is absent and we have not heard from you, we will make every effort to contact you using the information provided on the Emergency Form.  The name and telephone number of an emergency contact is absolutely essential.

We are currently seeking parent volunteers to help as ATTENDANCE MONITORS for our school.  Please call our office if interested.

Yard Supervision for Grades JK to 6 begins at 8:35 a.m. and ends at 3:45 p.m. Afternoon Kindergarten supervision begins at 12:45 p.m. Parents are responsible for their children’s safety and conduct in the yard before and after these times. All grade 1 and 2 students may be dropped off in the Primary/Kindergarten play area. Grade 3-6 students may be dropped off in the junior yard area.

Visitors are requested to sign in at the main office and wear a ‘visitor sticker’. This is a safety measure to ensure that visiting adults are recognized and encouraged to feel welcome in our school.
Thank you!

Do not use the Avenue Road driveway as this is the school bus pick up and drop off area for our students.
Please pick up and drop of your children at the Kiss N’ Ride designated area on Poplar Plains Road in front of the church.

This parking lot is for staff only.  Please park on the side streets off of Poplar Plains where one-hour parking is available.